Boat Contracting and Range of vessels
Since 2002 Chris Owen at Southern Waterways has been providing boat contracting services for Regional Council Environment Southland, other Government Agencies, Surveyors, Environmental data collection and commercial Boat work. Providing boat support to science programmes, surveyors and maintenance teams to get into otherwise difficult to get to places around Southland.

Operating a commercial vessel is a very specific industry and involves holding licences, certificates and surveys of the vessels, and approval of the people and companies involved. This is highly audited by Maritime New Zealand (MNZ).
This makes it very hard for people outside the industry to understand what is actually involved.
The easiest example it that Civil Aviation Authority of NZ regulates aircraft transport so when you fly on a commercial aircraft you can guarantee the safety systems have been audited and the appropriate checks, training, certificates are Audited. The same type of system is in place for Commercial Vessels operating within NZ by the governing Authority Maritime NZ which regulates all the commercial vessels in the industry.
Southern Waterways vessels are Maritime NZ surveyed and operate under a Maritime Transport Operator Certificate (MTOC) which is a MNZ audited system. We liaise with the local Harbour Master regarding any uplifting or notification necessary if operating within certain areas such as 5-knot speed restriction.
All health and safety requirements are worked through with individual site hazard assessments carried out.
All relevant insurances covering this type of operation are up to date.

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